.. _sed: SED === An SED can be constructed by importing and initializing an ``SED`` object. .. code:: python from sedkit import SED trap1 = SED(name='Trappist-1') The ``name`` argument triggers a lookup in the Simbad database for meta, astrometric, and spectral type data. Interstellar reddening is calculated when possible. Photometry can be added manually... .. code:: python trap1.add_photometry('Johnson.V', 18.798, 0.082) trap1.add_photometry('Cousins.R', 16.466, 0.065) trap1.add_photometry('Cousins.I', 14.024, 0.115) ...and/or retrieved from Vizier catalogs with built-in methods. .. code:: python trap1.find_2MASS() trap1.find_WISE() trap.find_SDSS() Spectrum arrays or ASCII/FITS files can also be added to the SED data. .. code:: python from pkg_resources import resource_filename spec_file = resource_filename('sedkit', 'data/Trappist-1_NIR.fits') import astropy.units as q trap1.add_spectrum_file(spec_file, wave_units=q.um, flux_units=q.erg / q.s / q.cm**2 / q.AA) Other data which may affect the calculated and inferred fundamantal parameters can be set at any time. .. code:: python trap1.spectral_type = 'M8' trap1.age = 7.6 * q.Gyr, 2.2 * q.Gyr trap1.radius = 0.121 * q.R_sun, 0.003 * q.R_sun Results can be calculated at any time by checking the ``results`` property. .. code:: python trap1.results A variety of evolutionary model grids can be used to infer fundamental parameters, .. code:: python trap1.evo_model = 'DUSTY00' trap1.mass_from_age() A variety of atmospheric model grids can be fit to the data, .. code:: python from sedkit import BTSettl trap1.fit_modelgrid(BTSettl()) And any arbitrary atlas of models can be applied as well. .. code:: python from sedkit import SpexPrismLibrary trap1.fit_modelgrid(SpexPrismLibrary()) Inspect the SED at any time with the interactive plotting method. .. code:: python trap1.plot() Entire catalogs of ``SED`` objects can also be created and their properties can be arbitrarily compared and analyzed with the :ref:`catalog` object.